Excursion in Val Chiavenna
The countries of DALOO AND LAGUNC
Place of departure: Uggia (San Giacomo Filippo – Valchiavenna)
From Como around 1:40 (Km 98); from Argegno about 1:20 (Km 67)
Total height difference: 650 meters
Travel time: 2.00 hours / 3.30 hours
Itinerary: Uggia – Daloo – Cross of Daloo – Lagunc – Daloo – Uggia
Easy excursion suitable for everyone.
The wide and safe path is suitable for walks for families with children.
The walk takes us to the discovery of two enchanting rural villages of Valchiavenna.
These villages are located on two grassy balconies between three valleys (Val Bregaglia, Valle Spluga and plain of Chiavenna) and enjoy beautiful views.
By car follow the main road SS36 of Spluga direction of San Giacomo Filippo. Then take a narrow paved road without signs that we find on the right (coming from Chiavenna), about fifty meters after the oldest part of the town.
Crossing some steep hairpin bends, you reach Uggia (700 m).
Here you have to park the car.
The path starts between the wooden huts. After the road, the path becomes picturesque: you walk on a path composed of a mosaic of stones, which goes up between beeches and birches. You reach the meadows of Dalò (or Daloo, in the original version).
The houses we meet here are the lower part of the village.
Continuing to the right of the path, the central nucleus of Dalò will appear, with its picturesque white church.
Behind the green meadows there is the dolomitic mass of Pizzo di Prata.
Going beyond the meadows and the Church we reach the large Dalò iron cross.
Panorama of Valchiavenna and the lower Val Bregaglia; below, the large city of Chiavenna.
Right behind us, well signposted, begins the path to Lagunc, another beautiful village located around a small lake.
A beautiful path in the coniferous forest.
Well-kept gardens, tables and umbrellas: a true oasis of relaxation at high altitude, in the midst of nature.
Not far away there is a white chapel on the edge of a precipice and a sign that reminds us that Lagunc is the place of the “Kilometro verticale” (competition involving ascent and descent from Chiavenna to Lagunc).
You go back by doing the same route.